Now you can listen to murotall Alquran mp3 read by Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Kareem from your Handpone w...
Now you can listen to murotall Alquran mp3 read by Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Kareem from your Handpone without the need for an internet connection. All murottal Mp3 audio in this application can be heard in 30 juz / 114 full surah)Biography of Sheikh Muhammad Abdul KareemSheikh Muhammad Abdulkareem was brought into this world in 1968 in Dongola, Sudan. He has extensive mastery over the Qur’an recitation and Tajweed nuances which thanks to his psalmodic baritone has reached and made a place in the hearts of the Muslim Ummah worldwide.He began his quest for education by graduating from the renowned King Abdul Aziz’s university in Jeddah, in the faculty of letters Islamic studies Department after which he progressed on to postgraduate and also receiving a Ph.D. in the same discipline but from the University of Khartoum.In 1983, under the able guidance of noteworthy greats like Sheikh Muhammad Al Sisi, and Sheikh Ahmed Sabri in Masjid Al Haram, Sheikh Muhammad Abdulkareem garnered mastery over Qur’an memorization. Getting certified was next in his well decorated education portfolio with Shaykh Muhammad Nabhan Masri with the “Seven Readings” doing the needful in 1985. In the shade of various Sheikhs and Ulema, Shaykh Abdulkareem spread his wings to grasp knowledge of “Al Rasm of the Holy Quran”, “Alfiyyah Ibn Maalik”, and “Al Aqida Al Tahawiyya”.After having commenced as an Imam and a preacher in the mosque Al Mujamma Al Islami in Khartoum city , at present, Sheikh Muhammad Abdulkareem has established himself as the Imam of Masjid Al Kawtar, in Jeddah , Saudi Arabia.Application Features:1. Full Offline Audio of Quran 30 juz, juz 1 to juz 30/114 surah2. Attractive design and very easy to use.3. Fast and lightweight application to use.4. Discover: You can find quran surahs such as Ya-Seen surah, surah Ar-Rahman, surah al waqiah, and many more.5. PLAY: Play, pause, next button, before, very easy to use6. SLEEP TIMER: Adjust the playback time when the murottal stops.7. LOOP: Play one surah repeatedly8. SHUFFLE: Play Surah RandomlyList of Surah in this Application:سورة - الفاتحةسورة - البقرةسورة - آل عمرانسورة - النّساءسورة - المائدةسورة - الانعامسورة - الأعرافسورة - الأنفالسورة - التوبةسورة - يونسسورة - هودسورة - يوسفسورة - الرعدسورة - إبراهيمسورة - الحجرسورة - النحلسورة - الإسراءسورة - الكهفسورة - مريمسورة - طهسورة - الأنبياءسورة - الحجّسورة - المؤمنونسورة - النورسورة - الفرقانسورة - الشعراءسورة - النملسورة - القصصسورة - العنكبوتسورة - الرومسورة - لقمانسورة - السجدةسورة - الْأحزابسورة - سبأسورة - فاطرسورة - يسسورة - الصافاتسورة - صسورة - الزمرسورة - غافرسورة - فصلتسورة - الشورىسورة - الزخرفسورة - الدخانسورة - الجاثيةسورة - الَأحقافسورة - محمدسورة - الفتحسورة - الحجراتسورة - قسورة - الذارياتسورة - الطورسورة - النجمسورة - القمرسورة - الرحمنسورة - الواقعةسورة - الحديدسورة - المجادلةسورة - الحشرسورة - الممتحنةسورة - الصفسورة - الجمعةسورة - المنافقونسورة - التغابنسورة - الطلاقسورة - التحريمسورة - الملكسورة - القلمسورة - الحآقةسورة - المعارجسورة - نوحسورة - الجنسورة - المزملسورة - المدثرسورة - القيامةسورة - الإنسانسورة - المرسلاتسورة - النبأسورة - النازعاتسورة - عبسسورة - التكويرسورة - الإنفطارسورة - المطففينسورة - الإنشقاقسورة - البروجسورة - الطارقسورة - الأعلىسورة - الغاشيةسورة - الفجرسورة - البلدسورة - الشمسسورة - اليلسورة - الضحىسورة - الإنشراحسورة - التينِسورة - العلقسورة - القدرِسورة - البينةسورة - الزلزلةسورة - العادياتسورة - القارعةسورة - التكاثرسورة - العصرسورة - الهمزةسورة - الفيلسورة - قريشسورة - الماعونسورة - الكوثرسورة - الكافرونسورة - النصرسورة - اللهبسورة - الإخلاصسورة - الفلقسورة - الناس